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The Meaning of "Nyangiang" according to the Dayak Kaharingan!

"Sangiang is an angel of God or the sacred substance of Ranying Hatalla Langit who is in charge of guiding humans in navigating the ark of worldly life on Danum Kalunen Beach or the impermanent world"

Nyangiang Ritual
In this article we will explain about the meaning of "Nyangiang" according to the Dayak Kaharingan Tribe. Because of this explanation is based on the perspective of the Kaharingan Faith, we quote several verses from the Kaharingan Scriptures, namely “Panaturan” as a reference source!

Nyangiang or Badewa is a ritual that is carried out by Balian to ask for help to a holy spirits from the Sangiang realm in order to expel evil spirits, or treat illness or disease from people who have illnesses that cannot be treated medically or medical science.

In the Kaharingan belief on Dayak Ngaju tribe, "Sangiang is known as one of the brothers of Raja Bunu who inhabits Pantai Danum Sangiang" which can ask for help, one of which is treating illness or disease of unknown cause.

Dayak Kaharingan people believe that not everyone can Nyangiang. Only certain people who have Sakala or Papang Sangiang can do it. In the Nyangiang procession, holy spirits from the Sangiang realm are summoned using the Behas Tawur by people who have sakala or Papang Sangiang to possess themselves so they become unconscious because their bodies are used as a medium of communication by holy spirits from the Sangiang realm to communicate with humans. while treating the sick.

The implementation of the Nyangiang ritual in the lives of the Kaharingan people is the belief that Raja Bunu and his descendants are impermanent humans and will inhabit a temporary life on Pantai Danum Kalunen or this world.

In the Kaharingan belief, humans in this world are the descendants of Raja Bunu who were descended directly by Ranying Hatalla or God Almighty from Lewu Bukit Tambak Raja on Pantau Danum Sangiang using Palangka Bulau Lambayung Nyahu to the top of the Samatuan hill in this world. Before being revealed to the world, Raja Bunu when he was still at Pantai Danum Sangiang, had two twin brothers, Raja Sangen and Raja Sangiang. Raja Bunu and his two twin brothers are the children of Manyamei Tunggul Garing Janjahunan Laut, Sahawung Tangkuranan Hariran and Kameluh Putak Bulau Janjulen Karangan. However, by the will of Ranying Hatalla or God Almighty, Raja Bunu and his descendants inhabit this impermanent world or Pantai Danum Kalunen as recorded in the Kaharingan Holy Bible, "Panaturan" Article 23 paragraph 24 below: 
"Raja Bunu tempun hila sanaman ije leteng, iyatuh awi Ranying Hatalla ewen due Jatha Balawang Bulau mahaga Lewu Injam Tingang, Pantai Danum Kalunen kareh ije bagia matei"

It means: "Raja Bunu got the part of the sinking iron, it was also determined by Ranying Hatalla and Jatha Balawang Bulau to maintain the life of the world which was only temporary."

Panaturan Holy Bible
However, Ranying Hatalla or God Almighty also wants the two brothers of Raja Bunu always help his brother at Pantai Danum Kalunen as Ranying Hatalla said to Manyamei Tunggul Garing Janjahunan Laut Sahawung Tangkuranan Hariran, which is recorded in the Kaharingan Holy Bible article 31 paragraph 8 which reads as follows:
Article 31:8 "Ije mandohop tuntang masi mawat ewen te kareh, aluh belum aluh matei, iyete panakan tambun paharie Raja Sangen ewen due Raja Sangiang, hayak jete puna iyatuh hayak inukas awiku akan ketun handiai."

Meaning: "The one who preserves and saves them later, both when he lives and when he dies, namely the descendants of your children Raja Sangen and Raja Sangiang, and that is what I really want for all of them."
Not only in this chapter 31, Ranying Hatalla said, When Raja Bunu and his descendants will be revealed to this world, Ranying Hatalla or God Almighty also said to Raja Bunu and his two brothers Raja Sangen and Raja Sangiang as recorded in the Book of Regulations Article 37 paragraph 7 and paragraph 8 below :
Article 37:7 "AKU janjaruman petehKU akam Raja Bunu palus kakare ketun handiai ije atun hakampeleng intu Lewu Bukit Tambak Raja tuh, uka ketun mingat tutu-tutu ampin kakare talatah gawin ketun belum huang Lewu Injam Tingang tuntang gawin jalan ketun haluli buli AKU, ije iharagapan awi panakan paharim Raja Sangen tuntang Raja Sangiang." 

Meaning: "Now I tell you Raja Bunu, and to all of you who have gathered at Lewu Bukit Tambak Raja, so that you all really remember how you carry out your life, and how you will return to ME, which will later carried out by the descendants of your two brothers, namely Raja Sangen and Raja Sangiang "

Likewise Ranying Hatalla said to Raja Sangen and Raja Sangiang. Article 37: 8 "Tinai gawin panakan ayun Raja Sangen tuntang Raja Sangiang, keleh jete ingat tutututu awi ketun, basa kakare talatah gawi akan panakan Raja Bunu ije belum huang Pantai Danum Kalunen, jete puna gawin panakan ain ewen sintung due."

Meaning: "Then, the task of the descendants of Raja Sangen and Raja Sangiang, you should all really remind him; Because all the ceremonial procedures for the life of the descendants of Raja Bunu on Pantai Danum Kalunen are actually the duty of your descendants."
From some of these verses, it is clear that Ranying Hatalla Langit or God Almighty wants the descendants of Raja Sangen and Raja Sangiang and their descendants to take care of and protect all the descendants of Raja Bunu both from when they are still alive until the time they return to Ranying Hatalla when they pass away. So that in all kinds of Kaharingan ceremonies including the Nyangiang ritual, there is always a mantra and also a procession of delivering prayers to the Sangiang in order to help human life on this world.
Although sometimes, misunderstandings caused by ignorance of the Kaharingan, lead to misunderstandings in the community about the true meaning of the ritual. Sometimes it is said that the Kaharingan people worship demons, jinn or other spirits.
In fact, Kaharingan believes that in life one must respect each other for all beings. Because, it is also the holy spirits that connect humans with God Almighty, as in government, procedures are needed from the lowest ranks to convey aspirations and desires to the highest level.
Because of all things in this world that are visible are not there to be despised or hated. Everything exists for a reason. Like the puzzles that complement each other to become a whole. As stated by Ranying Hatalla (God), actually everyone must love each other in brotherhood. Where everything is not without reason like Raja Sangen, Raja Sangiang and Raja Bunu who help each other. No one is superior to the other. Because harmony and harmony means that all is in harmony in balance.

Well, that's an explanation about the meaning of Nyangiang according to the perspective of Dajak Kaharingan belief. If you are interested in exploring both of Kaharingan and non Kaharingan Dayak tribes, please subscribe to OenroB RC our Youtube channel. See you in our next article!

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